Thursday, 5 March 2015

Microsoft's latest OS Windows 8 comes with version 4.5 of .NET Framework which is required to run software programs developed using the same version of .NET. But there is one slight problem! Most of the existing software require version 3.5 of .NET Framework installed to be able to run. When you try to install .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8, it asks you to connect to Internet to download required installation files.
For people who don't have Internet connection or who don't want to waste their Internet connection bandwidth in downloading .NET Framework 3.5 files from Internet, we shared a tutorial in past to install .NET Framework 3.5 offline in Windows 8 without Internet connection:
The method mentioned in the above article works fine in all editions of Windows 8 but sometimes a few people face problems while installing .NET Framework 3.5 offline. Some people get error messages while executing the command. Most of the times these problems occur due to incorrect syntax in command or due to insufficient permissions.

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